#!/bin/bash # # Version 0.2.3 ccminer nevermore installer for EthOS (by cYnIxX3) # # Install: bash <(curl -s http://thecynix.com/install-nevermore.txt) # echo "This is a third party install script for a third party miner, It is not supported by EthOS" echo "Using the command "sudo update-miners" will return the miner to release path" # Prepare if [[ $(/opt/ethos/sbin/ethos-readconf driver) != "nvidia" ]]; then echo "no nvidia gpus found, this wont help you"; exit 1 fi api="https://api.github.com/repos/brian112358/nevermore-miner/releases" echo "Attempting install of $(curl -s "$api" | grep 'name.*linux.*zip' | head -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f4)" # Stop the miner /opt/ethos/bin/disallow && /opt/ethos/bin/minestop # Install dependencies dep="libgomp1" if [[ $(dpkg -l|grep $dep) == "" ]] || [[ -f "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1" ]]; then echo "Warning: dependencies are not installed on this system" while [[ ! ("$ans" =~ ^[yY]([eE][sS])?$|^[nN][oO]?$) ]]; do read -r -p "Would you like to try and automatically install dependencies ($dep)? : " ans done if [[ $ans =~ ^[yY]([eE][sS])?$ ]]; then if [ -x "$(command -v apt-get-ubuntu)" ]; then echo "EthOS detected, attempting install" /usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/apt-get-ubuntu update /usr/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/apt-get-ubuntu -yq install "$dep" else echo "Failed: Please install $dep on this machine." echo " Please install $dep then run this script again." exit 2 fi fi elif [[ $(dpkg -l|grep $dep) != "" ]]; then echo "Success: dependencies are installed" fi # Download and install cd /tmp wget $(curl -s $api | grep 'browser_download_url.*linux.*zip' | head -n 1 | cut -d'"' -f4) -O /tmp/ccminer-nevermore.zip unzip ccminer-nevermore.zip # Copy the miner in place mv /tmp/nevermore-linux/ccminer /opt/miners/ccminer/ # Run the miner again /opt/ethos/bin/allow # Remove work files rm -r /tmp/ccminer-nevermore.zip /tmp/ccminer cd ~ # Success message echo "$(ethos-readconf loc) Finished installing:" /opt/miners/ccminer/ccminer --version echo "Running this script again in the future will likely upgrade the miner."